Self-Awareness & Integrity
“Watchman Not Warden” – Not only am I the builder of my own prison, but once built, I intern myself and then stand guard defending my position to ensure there is no escape – while all the while, in my hands, I hold the key that will set me free! Now I understand, it is in making friends with ourselves that our enemies are defeated – for the enemy is within! In the doing comes…“Freedom To Be” through Self-Awareness and Integrity.
We tend to confine ourselves within our own prisons while holding the key so that we don’t escape. Narrow minds give you narrow lives. But, opening and becoming aware of our true identity is joyous and opens us to a whole new realm of understanding. Your mission in life should be to keep exploring and opening yourself up to the possibilities of life.
When we close down with negative thoughts and conditional habits, we crawl back into the prison of old conditional thinking. Each and every day, we need to remember what a gift this new day is, and get excited about new discoveries we will make in this day. Life is a journey of constant expansion, or many lifetimes of having a closed mind. Choose to expand to new horizons on a daily basis, and you will see new heights unfold as if by magic within your own life.
Live in integrity and become aware of your commitment to self and others. Integrity is the ROCK that will be your foundation to build upon daily. Rejoice in awaking to all there is. Open your eyes to see a new beginning—this very moment. For one new beginning leads to another new beginning, and so on and so on. With a childlike enthusiasm, open your gift of this new day and get excited. Whatever comes, you will take on with bold persistence to living a life fully lived.